The short story is very small town+ road trip + christmas day = absolutely no restaurants open anywhere. really. we looked.
And then we drove to another little town and looked....and then we drove to another town and looked some more...
So we ended up at a casino for Christmas dinner. I think my mom is still in shock. It was pretty funny. Actually it was hilarious, and we had a lot of fun (could have been the white russians...). But seriously, who goes to a casino on christmas?! (Besides us of course but....). So I had to do some sketching 'cause there were some really funky people there. The little Monet man sitting by himself with a charlie-brown poinsetta on the table could have made me cry but he seemed pretty content and he knew all the waitresses....

Ok, but can you beat my playing dominos (with my parents!) on New Years eve?
How was the casino food?
whats wrong with dominos???
Casino food was yummy. Excellent salad bar but the frozen dinner rolls didn't do much for me!! ha! Can't beat the entertainment though!!
Happy New Year!!
I like the drawing of the fat guy! Very Daumier. I love your stories, it's good talking to you.
If I get a nice sketch at the gardcen tomorrow I'll post it on my blog.
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